Thursday, June 10, 2010

From NonViolence 101

Hi there

Here's some of the info that I'm putting together for a basics on nonviolence, Nonviolence 101..

We can change the world, all it takes is you..

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote that the philosophy and practice of nonviolence has six basic elements.

First, nonviolence is resistance to evil and oppression. It is a human way to fight.

Second, it does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his/ her friendship and understanding.

Third, the nonviolent method is an attack on the forces of evil rather than against persons doing the evil. It seeks to defeat the evil and not the persons doing the evil and injustice.

Fourth, it is the willingness to accept suffering without retaliation.

Fifth, a nonviolent resister avoids both external physical and internal spiritual violence- not only refuses to shoot, but also to hate, an opponent. The ethic of real love is at the center of nonviolence.

Sixth, the believer in nonviolence has a deep faith in the future and the forces in the universe are seen to be on the side of justice.

"Nonviolent refusal to cooperate with injustice is the way
to defeat it.”

--Mahatma Gandhi

"Non-violence is not inaction. It is not discussion. It is not for
the timid or weak... Non-violence is hard work. It is the willingness
to sacrifice. It is the patience to win.”

--Cesar Chavez

take care

Kelly Rivera Hart

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