Friday, September 10, 2010

Why we probably won't get much in LGBT rights this year or next..

Hi there...

In the last 30 or so years, I've been conscious of civil rights advances and have seen it go from, comparatively, fast to very slow. Obviously, human rights for LGBT people are advancing at a snails pace. Am I mad about this? Definitely. Am I disappointed? Very much so. But am I surprised? No, not really..

I'm an optimist but with a bit of realism and try to live and work from that point. My optimism says that while we're not going forward very quickly, at least we're not going backward, well not everywhere. But my realistic part of my mind has to analyze the present situation and come to the conclusion that we may not get more than a few smaller wins here and there for a little while. And why?

We have to look at the big picture to understand what is slowing everything down. In spite of the fact, and in some ways, because of the fact that we now have a Democratic majority, a woman as the Speaker of The House and an African American as President, there are roadblocks to everything and anything that the present administration tries to accomplish. Things that are just basic common sense for the good of all citizens have been shot down as socialist acts. Things that are needed right now to help improve the economic freefall that, incidentally, started during and because of the Bush administration, are being attacked as too much government in our lives. Even proposals that were introduced by the Republicans are being shot down once accepted by the Democrats. And the Idiot Train just keeps on chugging with lies like Pres. Obama's religion or background. Palin, Beck and Faux News just keep grinding out one stupid and misleading line after another.

While we need and deserve all the rights promised to every American, the more careful and less socially aware middle America is focused on their jobs, and major lack thereof. By the way, the skeletal job market is affecting us all, Gay and straight so that is an issue we all need to pay attention to. America is focused on the horribly slow moving recovery from one of the worst recessions we've ever experienced. We're all barely hanging on financially, especially those of us with living with limiting health issues like AIDS and cancer. So we all are in this fight for economic recovery. And then there's the much needed Healthcare Reform that got whittled down to almost be more of a symbolic gesture than a true fix to a very damaged system.

And the state of party politics in DC have gotten so bad that every move towards advancement for the nation is a landmine for Democrats. In Ted Kennedy's memoirs, the Senator Kennedy spoke of a Washington DC that would debate, argue, filibuster and still find a way to find mutual ground. He also spoke of how different is has become. And while Democrats have become the donkey without much of a kick, the Republicans have blasted, lambasted and often out and out lied to the public to keep their private interests intact.

We deserve the rights promised to all Americans but delivered mostly to only heterosexual Americans. We should have the right to marry, to openly serve in the military, to work and attend school free from discrimination and attacks. But while everything Obama or Pelosi says is disputed, even when they side with the Republicans, we probably won't see too many major gains in the next few years and, if we don't ensure that the Repubs don't win back the Senate, House or White House, we'll be waiting a lot longer..

We need to keep on pushing for our rights, definitely, but we need to accept that a lot of what is being tackled in DC is also a big part of our lives and so we need to also push for the right decisions that affect all us, Gay, Lesbian, Trans, Bi and Straight.

thank you

Kelly Rivera Hart

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